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How to Keep Pigeons off Balcony with These Easy Steps

Having pigeons on your balcony can be a huge nuisance. Not only do they leave droppings everywhere, but they can also carry diseases and parasites, making them a health hazard. Not to mention, they can be noisy and disruptive, causing a disturbance to you and your neighbors.

The good news is that there are simple steps you can take to keep pigeons off your balcony. With the right strategies, you can keep them at bay and restore balance in your outdoor space.

In this blog post, I will share tips and tricks for keeping pigeons off your balcony. Whether you’re looking for a permanent solution or just a temporary fix, we’ll cover a range of approaches to help you keep these pesky birds away.

Pigeon prevention is an essential part of balcony maintenance and something that all balcony owners should be aware of. Not only can it help protect your health, but it can also protect your property from damage and keep your balcony looking nice. So, if you’re looking for ways to eliminate these birds, this post is for you.

I’ll share some of the most effective techniques for keeping pigeons away and explain why they are important. I’ll also provide some tips and tricks to help make the process easier. By the end of the post, you’ll be ready to take action and start dealing with this pesky problem. So, let’s get started!

Understanding the Problem

To effectively address the issue of pigeons on your balcony, it is crucial to comprehend why they are there in the first place. First and foremost, it is important to note that pigeons are drawn to areas where they can easily find food and shelter. Your balcony is attractive for these birds because it offers both things.

Moreover, your balcony’s high and open space makes it an ideal spot for pigeons to roost and nest. Once they have chosen to settle in, it can be challenging to remove them. You may hear cooing, scratching, and even excrement on your balcony. These signs indicate that pigeons have made your balcony their home.

To further understand the problem, it’s important to recognize that pigeons are social creatures and often live in flocks. Therefore, if one pigeon has found your balcony a suitable habitat, others will soon follow.

Taking a comprehensive approach is essential to tackle the problem. Firstly, eliminate all possible food sources on your balcony, such as crumbs, pet food, or bird feeders. Secondly, block all potential areas that pigeons could use to roost, nest, or gain access to your balcony. Finally, consider implementing bird deterrents such as spikes, nets, or repellents to discourage pigeons from returning to your balcony.

In conclusion, understanding why pigeons are attracted to your balcony is vital to combating this issue effectively. You can create a pigeon-free environment on your balcony by removing food sources, blocking roosting areas, and implementing deterrents.

Assess the Situation

The first and foremost step in addressing a pigeon infestation is to assess the situation thoroughly. By examining your balcony and scrutinizing the factors that attract pigeons to your dwelling, you can successfully devise a strategy to tackle the problem. Start by asking yourself specific questions to understand what’s causing the problem.

One major concern that requires immediate attention is whether you are leaving out food or water for the birds. It is important to note that pigeons are opportunistic feeders and will feed on whatever they find. Therefore, you invite them to your balcony if you leave out food or water. Hence, it would help if you took adequate measures to discourage this behavior.

Additionally, it would help if you evaluated whether your balcony provides a suitable bird breeding ground. Pigeons breed year-round, and their nests can harbor parasites and other pests that may lead to health hazards. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that all breeding areas are blocked off or removed entirely.

It is also essential to check for any uncovered trash cans or waste disposal sites outside or near your balcony. Pigeons are attracted to any food source, and waste bins or garbage cans left open may become an ideal spot for them to scavenge for food. Therefore, securing trashcans and promptly disposing of all waste is vital.

Assessing the situation enables you to determine the root cause of the problem and clearly understand the factors that contribute to the pigeon infestation. By identifying these factors, you can take proactive and effective steps to control the situation and prevent further infestation.

Remove any Food or Water Sources

Like any other living creature, Pigeons require food and water to survive. They are opportunistic feeders, and if they detect a food source, they will flock to that area in large numbers. This is why removing any food or water sources from your balcony is crucial if you wish to discourage them from settling there.

One of the most effective ways to discourage pigeons from settling on your balcony is to remove any food and water sources. This includes bird feeders, bowls of water, and any scraps of food that may be left lying around. By removing these sources, you are effectively cutting off the pigeons’ food supply and reducing the likelihood that they will return.

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Cleaning up any spills or crumbs that might attract pigeons is also essential. Pigeons have an excellent sense of smell and can detect even the smallest amount of food. Be sure to sweep your balcony regularly and wipe down surfaces to remove any crumbs or bits of food that may have fallen.

In addition to removing food and water sources, there are other measures you can take to discourage pigeons from settling on your balcony. These may include installing bird spikes or an electronic bird deterrent and placing physical barriers such as netting or screens to prevent pigeons from entering the area.

By taking these measures to remove food and water sources and discourage pigeons from settling on your balcony, you can create a more comfortable and cleaner living space for yourself and your neighbors and help prevent the spread of disease and damage to property that can result from pigeon infestations.

Cover Trash Cans

Pigeons are common in urban areas, and their scavenging habits can be a nuisance, particularly for those who live in apartments or have a balcony. Pigeons are attracted to uncovered trash cans and can create a mess by rummaging through the garbage. Apart from this, their droppings can also cause damage to property and pose a health risk to humans.

It would help to have a sturdy lid that fits snugly to keep pesky pigeons out of your trash cans. Ideally, the lid should be made of a durable material that can withstand the elements and any attempts by birds to peck through. Consider getting a trash can with a locking system to provide an extra layer of security.

Covering your trash cans is not only good for keeping pigeons away, but it also helps to maintain a clean and fresh-smelling balcony. When left exposed, the garbage can emit unpleasant odors, which can attract other pests, such as rats and insects. Therefore, keeping your trash cans covered at all times is crucial.

In addition to keeping your trash cans covered, it is also important to dispose of your garbage regularly. Accumulated trash can be a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses, leading to the spread of diseases. Make it a habit to empty your trash cans daily or at least every other day, depending on your usage. This practice keeps your balcony clean and reduces the risk of attracting pests.

In summary, covering your trash cans is essential in pest control and maintaining a clean living environment. Investing in a quality lid can prevent pigeons and other pests from rummaging through your garbage while keeping your balcony fresh and hygienic. Remember to dispose of your trash regularly and adopt good hygiene practices to minimize the risk of disease transmission.

Install Netting

Are you tired of pesky pigeons residing on your balcony and leaving behind a mess? One effective solution to this problem is to install netting. Not only will this keep the birds away, but it will also provide added protection from the elements. It’s a win-win situation!

First, consider the type of netting that will work best for your balcony. Different materials and mesh sizes are available, so be sure to choose one appropriate for your specific needs. For example, if you have small balcony railings, you will want a finer mesh that will not let any pigeons through.

Once you have your netting, you will need to gather a few tools for installation. These can include a drill, screws, anchors, and zip ties. Measuring your balcony to ensure you purchase enough netting is also important.

Next, clear off your balcony and clean any bird droppings or debris. It’s important to have a clean surface for the netting to adhere to. Then, attach the netting to your balcony using the necessary tools. This process may require patience and attention to detail, but the result will be worth it.

In addition to deterring pigeons, netting can provide added protection from the wind and rain. If you have an open balcony, this added layer of protection can make spending time outside more enjoyable, even during inclement weather.

Overall, installing netting is a simple and effective way to keep pigeons off your balcony and protect your space from the elements. You can enjoy a clean and bird-free balcony all year with just a few tools and a little patience.

Use Bird Spikes

Bird spikes are an effective and humane way to keep pigeons off your balcony. These spikes are small plastic or metal structures designed to be attached to any surface where pigeons are prone to land. The spikes function by creating an uneven surface that makes it difficult for birds to perch or roost on your balcony.

Bird spikes come in different sizes and thicknesses and can be made of different materials. Plastic and stainless steel are the most common materials used in producing bird spikes. Plastic bird spikes are affordable, easy to install, and ideal for areas that don’t face extreme weather conditions. Stainless steel spikes, on the other hand, are more durable and can withstand harsh weather conditions.

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Installing bird spikes is easy and requires no special tools or skills. Most spikes come with adhesive backings allowing quick and easy attachment to any surface. However, some may require screws or bolts for a more secure attachment. Choosing spikes that are suitable for your balcony and will not damage your property is important.

Bird spikes are a humane way to deter pigeons from landing on your balcony without causing harm to the birds. In addition to being effective, they are a more permanent solution than other methods, such as scare devices or repellents. Using bird spikes will keep your balcony clean and free of unsightly bird droppings and damage caused by pigeons.

Bird spikes are an effective and humane way to keep pigeons off your balcony. They are easy to install, affordable, and come in different sizes and materials. Using bird spikes will keep your balcony clean and free of bird droppings and provide a more permanent solution to pigeon infestation.

Use Repellents

Repellents are a popular solution for keeping pigeons away from your balcony. Several types of pigeon repellents are available in the market, each with unique features and benefits.

Spray repellents are a common option that can be easily applied to surfaces. These products contain unpleasant ingredients for pigeons, forcing them to seek a new place to perch. However, choosing a non-toxic spray that is safe for use around pets and humans is essential.

Sound and visual repellents are other options to deter pigeons from using loud noises or flashing lights. These products work by disrupting the pigeons’ sense of safety and causing them to fly away. These repellents are also non-toxic and safe to use around pets and humans.

While some people swear by pigeon repellents, others believe they are a waste of money. It is important to do your research and choose a repellent that is safe, effective, and suitable for your needs.

When using repellents, it is crucial to follow the instructions carefully to ensure they are used correctly. Additionally, it is vital to regularly check the effectiveness of the repellent and make any necessary adjustments to ensure that pigeons do not return to your balcony.

Repellents can be an effective tool for keeping pigeons away from your balcony. However, choosing a safe and suitable product and using it correctly is essential to achieve the desired results.

Adopt a Pet

Adopting a pet can be a great way to keep your balcony free from unwanted pigeons. While many options are available, cats and dogs are particularly effective at scaring pigeons away. These animals naturally have a predatory instinct, which can make pigeons feel threatened and avoid the area altogether.

However, it’s important to note that not all pets are comfortable being outdoors or around other animals. Before adopting a pet, it’s crucial to ensure they are well-suited for this environment. In addition, you’ll want to avoid pets that may threaten the pigeons, such as aggressive or territorial animals.

If you adopt a pet for pest control, providing them comfortable and safe living space is important. This includes providing regular access to fresh water and food and a sheltered area for protection from the elements.

Adopting a pet can be a practical and effective way to keep your balcony free from unwanted pigeons. With the right pet and proper care, you can enjoy a bird-free outdoor space while providing a loving home for your new furry friend.

Keep Your Balcony Clean

Keeping your balcony clean is essential in keeping pigeons off of it. Pigeons are known for making a mess with their droppings and often seek out dirty or cluttered areas. Regularly sweeping or hosing down your balcony can prevent debris and leftover food from accumulating and keep the area clean and unattractive to pigeons.

One effective way to keep pigeons away from your balcony is using a mild soap and water solution to clean any surfaces that may attract them. This might include bird feeders, bird baths, or any other areas to which birds may be drawn. By keeping these areas clean and free of food and droppings, you can make your balcony less appealing to pigeons and other birds.

In addition to cleaning your balcony regularly, there are other steps you can take to prevent pigeons from roosting or nesting on your balcony. This might include installing bird netting or spikes, using scare tactics like reflective objects or noise makers, or even using motion-activated sprinklers that can deter pigeons from landing on your balcony.

Overall, keeping your balcony clean is an important step in preventing pigeons from taking up residence. By staying vigilant and taking proactive steps to deter them, you can enjoy your balcony’s beauty without worrying about unwanted pests.

Trim Trees and Shrubs

If trees or shrubs are growing close to your balcony, you have likely encountered problems with pest birds such as pigeons. These birds are notorious for perching on high ledges such as balconies or windowsills, and their droppings can cause a lot of damage and unsightly mess. To eliminate the pigeon problem, consider trimming back these trees and shrubs.

Trimming the trees and shrubs on your balcony helps get rid of pigeons and makes your balcony look more organized and tidy. Overgrown branches and limbs can make your balcony look cluttered and unkempt. By trimming back these plants, you can create a more spacious and visually appealing area free from pesky pigeons.

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However, cutting back trees and shrubs should be done carefully and with the help of a professional if necessary. If you are not skilled in pruning and trimming, it can be a dangerous activity that can lead to accidents and damage to your plants. Proper pruning techniques and the right tools are important to avoid harming plants.

Trimming back the trees and shrubs on your balcony is a great way to get rid of pigeons and make your balcony look neater and more organized. However, doing it safely and correctly is important to avoid damaging the plants or yourself. Consider seeking professional help if you need help with how to proceed.

Call in the Pros

Pigeons can be a nuisance, causing damage to buildings and leaving behind unsightly droppings. If you have tried every possible method to keep them away, but they persist, it might be time to call the professionals. These companies specialize in pigeon control and have many tools and expertise to address your problem.

One of the first things they will do is assess your situation and identify the root cause of the problem. This will help them determine the best course of action to take. Depending on the severity and location of the infestation, they may use a combination of tactics, such as bird netting, bird spikes, or bird repellents.

Bird netting is a popular method used by professionals. It involves creating a barrier around the building or area to prevent pigeons from entering. The netting is usually high-strength polyethylene designed to withstand weather and bird damage.

Bird spikes are another effective method of pigeon control. These are typically made of metal or plastic and installed on the surface where pigeons roost or perch. The spikes make it difficult for birds to land, deterring them from the area.

Bird repellents are also commonly used by professionals. These include gels, sprays, and electronic devices that emit sounds or vibrations to scare away pigeons. These repellents can be used in conjunction with other methods or as a standalone solution, depending on the severity of the infestation.

Overall, calling in the professionals is a smart choice if all else fails. They have the knowledge, tools, and expertise to do the job and keep those pesky pigeons away for good.

Maintenance is Key

Keeping pigeons away from your balcony is only half the battle; the other half keeps them from returning. To do this, you must maintain the measures you have implemented. Regularly cleaning your balcony is the first step to preventing pigeons from returning. Food scraps, crumbs, and nesting materials can attract them, so sweep or hose down your balcony regularly.

In addition to cleaning, it is crucial to check for any gaps or holes that may have formed. Pigeons can easily detect even the smallest spaces and use them for nesting or roosting. Seal off any potential entry points with caulk, mesh, or netting to ensure that your balcony is fully enclosed.

Lastly, keeping up with any deterrents or decoys you have installed is essential. These can include sound devices, fake predators, or bird spikes. Check to make sure they are still in place and functioning correctly. If a deterrent has stopped working, replace it immediately to prevent pigeons from returning.

By taking these preventative measures, you can ensure that your balcony stays pigeon-free. Regular maintenance is key to keeping them away, and it’s a small price to pay for a clean, bird-free outdoor space.


Pigeons are a nuisance to many homeowners with balconies, as they can cause damage, make noise, and leave droppings. However, keeping them off the balcony doesn’t have to be a difficult or expensive task. You can enjoy your balcony again without dealing with those dirty little birds with just a little effort and some easy steps.

Removing tempting food sources is the first step in keeping pigeons off your balcony. This may include bird feeders, pet food bowls, or scraps left behind after outdoor meals. Pigeons are scavengers, so they will keep coming back if there is a ready food supply. Additionally, consider blocking areas where pigeons can nest or roost on the balcony, such as under furniture, in planters, or in corners.

Another effective way to prevent pigeons from landing on your balcony is to install physical barriers. These can include spikes, netting, or even wire mesh. Pigeons prefer landing on flat surfaces, so they will be less likely to land if you can create an uneven surface. Creating visual deterrents, such as reflective objects or motion-activated lights, can also help keep pigeons at bay.

Keeping pigeons off your balcony requires effort and planning, but it doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. You can enjoy your balcony without the irritation and mess that pigeons often bring by removing food sources, blocking off potential nesting areas, installing physical barriers, and using visual deterrents. So, put these tips into action, and enjoy your pigeon-free balcony!

Alan Hudson

Alan Hudson is an Editorial Director at, a social media and publishing agency. He writes about home interior design and decorating, as well as home decoration trends. Alan graduated from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, with a degree in English Literature.

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