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How to Decorate Kitchen Cabinet Tops with a Minimalist Touch

Looking for ways to spruce up the decor in your kitchen? Have you ever considered utilizing that blank space above your kitchen cabinets? It’s a great spot to add some personality and creativity to your kitchen, but knowing where to start can also be daunting. Fear not, because this blog post will discuss how to decorate kitchen cabinet tops with a minimalist touch.

Decorating your kitchen cabinet tops doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With some inspiration and guidance, you can transform this once-neglected space into a stylish design feature. From adding greenery to incorporating functional storage pieces, there are plenty of ways to decorate your kitchen cabinet tops to suit your taste and style.

So, if you’re ready to give your kitchen a fresh look, join me as we dive into kitchen decor. Whether you’re a seasoned decorator or just starting, I’m confident that my tips and tricks for decorating kitchen cabinet tops will help create a stylish and functional space you’ll love. Let’s get started!

Keep It Simple

If you want to add elegance to your kitchen, start with the cabinet tops. The key to mastering minimalist decor in this area is to keep it simple. Avoid the temptation to overcrowd your cabinet tops with decorative items, which can quickly become clutter. Instead, choose a few statement pieces and leave plenty of negative space.

One way to add style and purpose to your cabinet tops is to consider using functional items like canisters or vases. These items not only look great, but they can also serve a practical purpose. For example, canisters can store dry goods like coffee and sugar, while vases can hold fresh flowers or herbs. Just be sure to choose items that complement your existing decor.

When it comes to selecting statement pieces, think outside of the box. Instead of traditional decorative items, consider using unique and unexpected objects like a vintage scale or a collection of antique silverware. These items can add a touch of character to your kitchen and make for great conversation pieces.

One final tip for decorating your cabinet tops is to pay attention to the colour scheme. Stick to a neutral palette with pops of colour to keep the space clean and cohesive. If you need help figuring out where to start, try incorporating a few natural elements, like a wooden cutting board or a ceramic bowl in earthy tones.

To master minimalist decor on your kitchen cabinet tops, keep it simple by choosing a few statement pieces and leaving plenty of negative space. Consider using functional items like canisters or vases to add style and purpose. Feel free to get creative with your decor choices and pay attention to the colour scheme to keep your space clean and cohesive.

Use Trays to Organize

Do you want to add a touch of elegance to your kitchen decor? Stylishly organize your items. Trays are the perfect solution for you. They are a simple yet effective way to create a cohesive look and provide practical storage solutions.

Using trays to organize your kitchen cabinet tops is easy and efficient. You can group your items to create a stunning display that adds flair to your kitchen. Place everyday items, such as condiments, oil bottles or herbs, onto the tray to create a stylish vignette. Not only does this look good, but it also helps you find everything you need quickly and easily.

Trays come in all shapes, sizes, colours and materials, so you can find the perfect one to suit your style and kitchen decor. You can even use multiple trays of different sizes and shapes to create dimensions and make your display more interesting.

Adding plants or cookbooks to the tray is another great way to add depth and personality to your display. The greenery of the plants brings a natural pop of colour into your kitchen, while the cookbooks add a personal touch, as they are often filled with cherished recipes and memories.

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Using trays is a simple yet elegant way to organize your items and give your kitchen cabinet tops a makeover. They are versatile, stylish and practical. So why not incorporate trays into your kitchen today? Enjoy the added beauty and convenience they bring to your space.

Add Greenery

If you’re looking to spruce up your kitchen decor, adding some greenery to your cabinet tops is a great way to do so. Not only does it add a fresh and vibrant touch, but it also brightens up the space and gives it a more lively feel.

Adding plants or herbs to your cabinet tops is a great way to incorporate greenery. They add some color and texture and can also be functional if you choose to use them in your cooking. For example, add potted herbs like basil, parsley, or thyme to your cabinets and have fresh herbs on hand whenever needed.

Another way to incorporate greenery into your kitchen decor is by hanging plants or vines from the ceiling. This can add height and dimension to your space, making it more spacious and open. Hanging pothos, spider plants, or ferns are great options and don’t require much maintenance.

When selecting plants or herbs for your cabinet tops or hanging plants, it’s important to consider the sunlight and humidity required. Some plants may do well in lower light conditions, while others require more direct sunlight. Additionally, some plants may require more water than others, so read up on their care requirements before selecting.

Adding greenery to your kitchen cabinet tops is a simple and cost-effective way to breathe new life into your space. Whether you opt for potted herbs or hanging plants, adding some fresh greenery will brighten up your kitchen and make it feel more inviting.

Incorporate Lighting

Lighting is an essential component of any home decor. It can completely transform the look and feel of a room, and the kitchen is no exception. With the right lighting, you can create a warm and inviting ambiance that will make your kitchen feel welcoming and comfortable. If you’re looking to decorate your kitchen cabinet tops, incorporating lighting is an excellent idea.

Adding fairy lights or small lamps to your cabinet tops creates a cozy and inviting atmosphere that will make your kitchen look and feel more inviting. Not only will this provide an extra layer of lighting to your cooking space, but it will also help to highlight the design elements of your kitchen cabinets. With the right lighting, you can bring out the textures and colors of your cabinets, creating a more cohesive and attractive look.

When incorporating lighting into your kitchen cabinet tops, it’s essential to consider the placement and style of your lights. You’ll want to choose lights that complement the style of your cabinets and don’t overpower them. For example, if you have modern cabinets, choose sleek and minimalist lights that won’t detract from the clean lines of your cabinets.

Additionally, you’ll want to consider the placement of your lights. Strategically placing them can create a more functional space, as well as a more visually appealing one. For example, place lights above your stove or sink to provide more focused cooking and food prep lighting. Alternatively, place lights under your cabinets to create a soft and diffused glow that will add warmth and ambiance to your space.

In summary, incorporating lighting into your kitchen cabinet tops is an excellent way to transform your decor and create a warm and inviting atmosphere. By choosing the right style and placement of your lights, you can highlight the design elements of your cabinets while also providing extra lighting for your cooking space. Why not give it a try and see how lighting can enhance the look and feel of your kitchen?

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Display Your Favorite Cookbooks

Are you looking for a way to add some personality to your kitchen? Look no further than your cookbook collection! Cookbooks are not only functional, but they also make for great decor pieces. By displaying your favorite cookbooks on your cabinet tops, you can showcase your culinary expertise and add a touch of style to your cooking space.

To display your cookbooks, consider using a small stand or easel. These can be found at many home decor stores or even online. A stand or easel can prop up your cookbooks at a comfortable angle, making them easier to read and adding a bit of visual interest to your kitchen. Plus, it’s a great way to keep your favorite recipes at your fingertips while cooking up a storm.

When selecting which cookbooks to display, consider choosing ones that not only have great recipes but also have appealing covers. This will help to enhance the overall aesthetic of your kitchen. Also, consider grouping your cookbooks by theme, such as baking or international cuisine, to create a cohesive look.

Feel free to get creative with your cookbook display! Mix in other decorative items, such as a vase of fresh flowers or a little piece of art. These elements can tie your display together and add more personality to your kitchen.

By incorporating your cookbook collection into your kitchen decor, you can create a functional and stylish space. So why not show off your culinary skills and add a touch of personality to your cooking space? With creativity, you can transform your kitchen into a warm, inviting space that reflects your unique style.

Use Artwork

When it comes to designing or revamping the kitchen, one area that is often overlooked is the cabinet tops. These spaces can provide an excellent opportunity to inject personality and color into your kitchen. Utilizing artwork is an easy way to elevate the space and create a unique focal point.

To start the process, consider the color scheme of your kitchen. Your chosen artwork should complement the existing color palette and provide a pop of interest. If your kitchen is full of neutral tones, consider selecting bold and vibrant artwork to stand out. Conversely, if your kitchen already has many patterns and colors, choose an artwork that provides balance and helps unify the space.

Another aspect to consider is your style. Your kitchen should reflect your unique tastes and personality. Take some time to browse different styles of artwork and select pieces that resonate with you. From modern and abstract to traditional and realistic, there is something for everyone. Mix and match different styles to create an eclectic and personalized look on your kitchen cabinet tops.

Once you have chosen your artwork, it’s time to think about placement. Hanging artwork on the wall above the cabinets is a classic choice that can be easily accomplished using picture-hanging tools. Consider staggering multiple pieces to create an art gallery feel. Alternatively, setting the artwork on a stand on the cabinet top provides a different look that can be especially effective if the kitchen has high ceilings.

Incorporating artwork into your kitchen cabinet tops is a fantastic way to add personality and color to your space. Be sure to choose pieces that complement your kitchen’s color scheme and reflect your style. Don’t forget to think about placement as well – whether on the wall or on a stand, creating a unique focal point will help bring your kitchen to life.

Keep It Seasonal

Seasonal decor can do wonders in keeping your kitchen feeling fresh and exciting. One of the best places to start is with the cabinet tops. These can often be overlooked, but they are a great opportunity to add a touch of seasonal flair to your kitchen. Here are some tips on how to decorate your cabinet tops and keep them seasonal:

Firstly, determine the theme of your decor. Opt for a classic autumn feel with pumpkins and fall foliage or add holiday cheer with Christmas ornaments and garlands. Once you have your theme, choose decor items that match. For example, consider adding a rustic wooden tray filled with pumpkins and a vase of fall flowers if you want an autumn feel.

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Next, consider varying the height of your decor items. Add some candlesticks or a vase of tall flowers to create visual interest. This will make your decor more eye-catching and draw attention to your cabinet tops.

Furthermore, be mindful of the scale of your decor items. Avoid using items that are too small or too big, as they may look out of place. Instead, choose decor proportional to the size of your cabinet tops and surrounding decor.

Finally, remember to switch out your decor each season. This will keep your kitchen feeling fresh and exciting throughout the year. For example, add some spring flowers during the warmer months or beachy decor during the summer.

Decorating your cabinet tops with seasonal decor can add charm and personality to your kitchen. By keeping it seasonal and varying heights and scale, you can create a beautiful, welcoming space that reflects your unique style and tastes.

Embrace Negative Space

Decorating the tops of your kitchen cabinets can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Minimalist decor is a great way to approach this task, and it’s all about embracing negative space. Instead of cramming every inch of your cabinet tops with decor, leave plenty of space between items to create a clean and sophisticated look.

Embracing negative space means allowing areas of your decor to be empty or unoccupied, creating a more balanced and visually appealing overall aesthetic. This doesn’t mean you can’t have any decor on your cabinet tops, but rather that you should be intentional about what you choose to display. Consider items that have a purpose and add value to your kitchen, such as a few potted herbs or a beautiful vase.

Another way to embrace negative space is by using open shelving. This allows you to display your favorite items while leaving plenty of space. It also makes it easier to access your items when you need them, which is a valuable bonus.

When selecting decor for your kitchen cabinet tops, it’s important to remember your kitchen’s overall style and color scheme. Choose items that complement your decor and add visual interest without overwhelming the space. Neutral colors and simple shapes work well with minimalist decor, but don’t be afraid to add a pop of color or a unique shape to add some personality to your kitchen.

Decorating your kitchen cabinet tops should be a fun and creative process. By embracing negative space and being intentional about your decor choices, you can create a clean and sophisticated look that’s visually appealing and practical.


In conclusion, decorating your kitchen cabinet tops is an easy and affordable way to bring some personality and style to your kitchen. Following the tips discussed in this article, you can achieve a stylish and functional space that reflects your style and taste. Remember, simplicity is key when decorating your cabinet tops, so don’t clutter the space with unnecessary items.

One of the best ways to decorate your kitchen cabinet tops is by using trays to organize items. This makes your space look neater and creates a focal point. Adding greenery or flowers to your space is another great way to bring some life and color to your kitchen. You can also incorporate lighting to create a warm and cozy ambiance in your kitchen.

Finally, keeping your cabinet tops seasonal is a great way to celebrate different holidays or seasons throughout the year. Artwork and cookbooks can also add a personal touch to your kitchen and make it feel like a welcoming space. Remember to embrace negative space and keep your decor simple regardless of your preferred style. With these tips on how to decorate kitchen cabinet tops, you can transform your kitchen into a stylish and functional space that is uniquely yours.

Adan Rohan

Adan Rohan is an Editorial assistant at, a crowdsourced home design company that offers affordable, modern home plans. Previously, he worked at Curbed as a staff writer, covering both architecture and design. Adan has a bachelor's degree in English from Skidmore College, where he focused mainly on creative writing and design.

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